“Serbian Yoga Union” (SYU) was founded in 2013 as the fulfilment of a long lasting desire to geather under one roof all yoga theachers, students and followers who teach, learn, practice yoga in accordance with Satyananda yoga tradition.
Satyananda yoga is the first tradition which set the foot on the Sebian ground, at that time the former Yugoslavia. Back in the early 1970s , extraordinary individuals boldly spread yoga during these inflexible times. The deisire to bring sincere devotees of the original yoga into one association began early, and the “Serbian Yoga Union” was the result of the spontaneous maturation of the aspirants and the spirit of fellowship in yoga.
The Union has been formed and established by yoga centres: “Gopi”, “Om Yoga Center”, “Bihar Yoga Club”, “Atma Yoga Center”.
The aim of this association is first and foremost to spread the Bihar / Satyananda yoga tradition and to preserve the teaching of classical, original yoga.
Activities of the union
Yoga Centres
Today, the Serbian Yoga Union brings together several yoga centers, a large number of yoga teachers and many students, followers and admirers of the Bihar School of Yoga, which is the inspiration of the SYU and is headquartered in Munger, Bihar province, India.
SYU is the sponsor and organizer of various yoga seminars and workshops, yoga education programs, and a number of charitable activities.
The activities of the union are only the basis for further learning and refinement in each individual's yoga, through the application of the highest principles of yoga in every word, thought and deed.